So, you want to save money while shopping on Amazon? Have you been searching all over the internet to find some promo codes? Here are some useful tips to get Amazon Promo codes. Trust me , it works:
1. Subscribe to Amazon's news feeds. You might find promotional claim codes from in newspapers and magazines, in shipments, or in e-mails that they send to you. The codes are generally posted at the beginning of every month. So lookout for the ones that match your requirements.
2. There are a plenty of websites in the internet that provide authentic promo codes. For me personally, the Amazon promotional codes at and have helped. That does not mean that these are the only two authentic sites around!
3. In this world of social networking, Twitter, Facebook, google+ can be be a great source to get leads on Amazon promotional codes. Make use of them and enjoy the benefits!
4. Search in Youtube and blogging sites for amazon promo codes. Some people create videos on Youtube with the various codes and coupons that you can use.
5. Last but not the least, subscribe to the RSS feed of bloggers who compile the list of latest Amazon promotional codes. Also keep on the lookout for secret discount codes. There are a few sites that act as a source for these. Search for them on the internet!
Enjoy your shopping!
Did you find another way to get promo codes? Let us know...List them in the comments section